2005, March BSc. Faculty of Science and Engineering, Shimane University
(mentor: Prof. Yasuo Kubo)
2007, March MSc. Graduate School of Science, Kyushu University
(Mentor: Prof. Yoshinori Naruta)
2010, March DSc. Graduate School of Science, Kyushu University
(Mentor: Prof. Yoshinori Naruta)
2010, April-December Postdoc. IMCE, Kyushu University
Lab: Prof. Yoshinori Naruta
2011, January-2013, March WCU postdoc, Depart. Chem. Yonsei University, Korea
Lab: Prof. Jonathan L. Sessler (Univ. Texas at Austin)& Prof. Dongho Kim (Yonsei Univ.)
2013, April-2016, March Assistant Prof.,
Education Center of Molecular Systems for Devices, Kyushu University,
Lab: Prof. Hiroyuki Furuta
2016, April-2022, March Assistant Prof.,
Graduate School of Engineering and Center for Molecular Systems, Kyushu University.
Lab: Prof. Hiroyuki Furuta
2021, October-Current JST PRESTO researcher(Innovative optics and photonics)
Head: Koichiro Tanaka (Kyoto Univ.)
2022, April- Current Associate Prof.
Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University.
2022, July SPP/JPP Young Investigator Award (ICPP-12)
2021, February KONICA MINOLTA Imaging Science Award
2020, December 39th Incentive Award in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
2019, April 10th, The Maruyama Memorial Research Award
2019, March 33th, Young Scholar Lectures, The Chemical Society of Japan
2015, November Excellent Paper Award, The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Kyushu Branch,